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PostPosted: March 28th, 2024, 3:19 pm 
ModeratorMap DeveloperBeta TesterDonor
[TryHrd] Akash.566
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Joined: August 8th, 2014, 1:14 pm
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Starcraft II Gateway: United States
New Mercenaries - Adept/Proficient! Big thanks to Rain for helping with implementation.

-New testmode command: "-vs" (very easy to use if you already know how the "-mk" command works), syntax as follows:
-vs [unit1] [numberOfUnits1] [unit2] [numberOfUnits2]
--- make the specified number of the specified unit1 for player 1 and the specified number of the specified unit2 for player 3 (units spawn on opposite sides of team 4's base)
--- examples:
-vs marine 50 zealot 20 = make 50 marines for p1 and 20 zealots for p3
-vs mercs 1 heroes 1    = make 1 of each merc for p1 and 1 of each hero for p3

-Text notifying players that middle income has increased now also displays the new value.
-Fixed an issue with melee merc tags which resulted in some incorrect ranged counters. New tags: Tankling = Heavy, Temple Zealot = Armored, Warp Zealot = Mechanical, Devil Dog = Biological, Adept = Psionic
-Fixed a bug where some mercenary training upgrades did not decrease the cost of others; all training upgrades now cost 300 minerals.
-Removed hero timer at the start of the game.
-Removed -jetblack due to a potential exploit.

No changes.

New mercenaries! Part of the melee counter circle, Adepts (which morph into Proficients) deal more damage the closer they are to their targets. They have a Psionic Transfer ability that allow them to phase through other units and close the striking distance quickly.

-Removed for 3 main reasons:
--- Difficult to balance properly due to gimmicky nature (relies upon enemies not having detection).
--- Were not performing their roles in the counter circle.
--- Least used of all mercenaries in both pubs and scrims.

-Overcharge HP cost now scales with Destroyer HP (similar to Maraider Stimpack and Sniper Focus).

-HP scaling reduced from 18 to 17 per HP upgrade.

Devil Dog
-Stimpack must now be purchased (cost: 400 minerals).

-Baneling bomb travel time decreased by 20%.

Science Vessel
-New ability: Energy Channel (replaces Irradiate)
--- Grants an allied target unit +25 energy at the cost of 50 energy (2 charges, 8 second cooldown).

Mech Tank
-No longer attacks while moving.

-Flashbang ability no longer "blinds" an enemy unit.
-Reaper Elite Upgrades no longer grant additional attack speed.

Warp Prism
-Attackspeed Aura now requires activation via an ability when the Warp Prism is in Transport Mode (lasts 4 seconds, 8 second cooldown).

-Adept + Proficient tooltips
-All merc tooltips where beetle/roach were mentioned
-Science vessel + new ability tooltips
-Warp prism + new ability tooltips
-Reaper ability tooltips

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