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PostPosted: February 12th, 2018, 8:11 am 
ModeratorMap DeveloperBeta TesterDonor
[TryHrd] Akash.566
Map Editor
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Joined: August 8th, 2014, 1:14 pm
Posts: 569
Starcraft II Gateway: United States
Mostly bug fixes. If there aren't many bugs after this patch, I'll start working on some new stuff.

***If you care about not having bugs, please play a couple games on "Akash's Testmap Marine Arena US" and let me know what you find. I can still make some changes before Josin publishes (likely this weekend).***

-Fixed a bug where Chronoboost could be cast on some merc compounds.
-Enabled gas transfer when ally leaves.
-Fixed Anti-Unit tower storm damage.

No changes.

-Removed heroic tag.
-Fixed a bug where replays pinged Destroyers.
-Fixed death and overcharge sounds.

-Fixed a bug where Reaver weapon had no bonuses and did not gain damage from upgrades.
-Removed heroic tag.
-Fixed death sound.

-Fixed death sound.

-Fixed Brutalisks sometimes breaking forcefields.

-Fixed auto-generated hotkeys for DT, Commando, and Odin.

-Changed starting energy from 0 to 60.

-Fixed death animation being the same as infestor.

-Fixed a bug where reaper could not attack structures.

-Fixed a bug where vortex caused cracklings to change into tanklings.

-Fixed EMP animation.

-Reduced mine damage from 200 to 40.
-Reduced mine damage per upgrade from 20 to 5.
---After trying for weeks, I cannot figure out how to stop instant-trigger mines. Decided that reducing damage was the best alternative. Will keep working on this.

Siege Tank
---I have been trying for 3 patches in a row now to fix siege tank, and I have no idea what's wrong with it or how I can fix it (everything looks correct when compared to previous versions). In siege mode, it deals 0 damage to units, but does bonus damage to structures. Will keep working on this.

-Removed Hallucination
---After digging around, I found that there are tons of bugs involving hallucination. Heroes giving gas, Elites giving bounties, etc. At this point, every hallucination would have to be re-made (Hallucinate is not 1 ability, but a separate ability for every unit - for example, "Hallucinate Battlecruiser" is 1 ability). If there is a lot of demand for it, I will continue working on a solution. If not, I'll leave it disabled.

-Fixed Stim Addicts tooltip.

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