I've gotten a request to post all of the commands that can be used in Testmode. Here they are, including some examples for the more complex commands:
-tm--- starts testmode
-help--- displays the Help panel
-show/hide testmode--- shows or hides the testmode dialog
-show/hide mode--- shows or hides the rules dialog
-hide AFK--- hides the afk dialog
-handle [targetPlayer]--- displays the specified player's handle and group (default is triggering player)
-fog--- toggles fog of war
-fast--- toggles fastbuild for all players
-mk [unitName] [numberOfUnits] [targetPlayer]--- make the specified number of the specified units for the specified player (default is 1 unit and triggering player)
--- accepted unitName values: help, marine
--- (mercs): zergling, crackling, tankling, zealot, warpzealot, wz, templezealot, tz, sharpshooter, ss, sniper, marauder, maraider, roach, beetle, adept, proficient, prof, stalker, lancer, firebat, devildog, dd, hydralisk, brutalisk, bruta, goliath, gol, destroyer, des, reaver, immortal, immo, voidray, vr, wraith, mutalisk, muta, scout, baneling, changeling
--- (heroes): zeratul, dt, tassadar, ht, infestor, fest, commando, cm, hunterkiller, hk, lurker, odin, colossus, colo, honeybadger, hb, phoenix, nix, queenfestor, queen, spectre, spec, darkarchon, dta, archon, hta
--- (elites): reaper, raven, battlecruiser, bc, banshee, duskwing, medivac, medi, smashinator, observer, obs, viking, corruptor, cor, overseer, os, mothership, ms, planetcracker, siegetank, tank, sentry, sciencevessel, sv, ghost, vulture, vult, minithor, diamondback, db, aberration, ab, mercmarine, oracle, viper, warpprism, wp, voidzealot, vz
--- (groups): mercs, heroes, elites, all
--- examples: Code:
-mk marine = make 1 marine for triggering player
-mk marine 30 = make 30 marines for triggering player
-mk marine 30 5 = make 30 marines for player 5
-mk elites = make 1 of each elite for triggering player
-mk heroes 1 3 = make 1 of each hero for player 3
-vs [unit1] [numberOfUnits1] [unit2] [numberOfUnits2]--- make the specified number of the specified unit1 for player 1 and the specified number of the specified unit2 for player 3 (units spawn on opposite sides of team 4's base)
--- examples: Code:
-vs marine 50 zealot 20 = make 50 marines for p1 and 20 zealots for p3
-vs mercs 1 heroes 1 = make 1 of each merc for p1 and 1 of each hero for p3
-fit--- restores HP, shields, energy, and cooldowns of the selected units
-control--- allows the triggering player to take control of all units on the map (including cloaked/burrowed enemy units)
-rm--- removes the selected units from the map
-wipe--- removes all units from the map
-addmoney [amount]--- adds the specified amount of minerals to all players (default is 10000)
-removemoney--- removes all minerals from all players
-addgas--- adds 6 gas to all players
-removegas--- removes all gas from all players
-sd--- triggers sudden death
-set [upgradeName] [numberOfUpgrades] [targetPlayer]--- set the specified number of upgrades of the specified type for the specified player (default is all players)
--- accepted upgradeName values: help, marinehealth, merchealth, herohealth, marinedamage, mercdamage, herodamage, marinearmor, mercarmor, heroarmor
--- (hero levels, specify 0-7): herolevels, lv
--- (hero ultimate upgrades, specify 0-1): ult
--- (merc trainings, specify 0-3): merctrainings, mt
--- (merc abilities, specify 0-1): merccompounds, mc
--- (groups): reset, max
--- examples:Code:
-set merchealth 25 5 = set number of mercenary health upgrades to 25 for player 5
-set marinedamage 30 = set number of marine damage upgrades to 30 for all players
-set lv 7 = set hero levels to 7 for all players
-set lv 6 8 = set hero levels to 6 for player 8
-set reset = resets all upgrades for all players
-set reset 3 = resets all upgrades for player 3
-set max = maxes all upgrades for all players
-set max 4 = maxes all upgrades for player 4
-marines on/off--- enables/disables marine spawning for all players
-jetblack--- changes color of triggering player to Jetblack (donor perk)
-resetmodels--- resets all model changes of triggering player (donor perk)
-style--- plays Gangnam Style song (donor perk)
<3<3<3--- plays Heart Attack song (donor perk)
-randomness--- attaches various random objects to the selected units (beta perk)
-resetstats--- resets triggering player's bankfile