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 Post subject: random suggestions
PostPosted: June 10th, 2023, 3:17 pm 

Joined: October 10th, 2019, 10:42 am
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ghosts - snipe is legit going off my screen with how long it is, the only option is to have more hp than the snipe does, there's actually no other counterplay which means if you're behind ghosts will just control the map forever. follow range should be 3-4 ish shorter, but buff their attack speed a bit because they farm terribly. It feels like right now the ghost player is super handicapping themselves for the opportunity to be annoying with snipe.

prism-might need a slight nerf just because it's the starter in 99% of games

lancer- hp buff was probably too much, seeing them basically every game

commando - conq nade might need changed (shorter duration early, longer at higher lvls), it's insane value for 500 minerals but it feels bad to level commando because you don't get much out of it other than getting an odin 10% lower so they have to sit at supp tower for 5 seconds longer + maybe getting super lucky to snipe an elite.

colo morph - feels pretty eh, don't think it's worth the long respawn time

nix morph - same, it's oookay ish sometimes for sniping things like ravens but that's super niche and only if you're already ahead, except for some heroes like lurker where it will kill them in 1 lift. It really feels like the morph needs better hp scaling(just a little bit more) especially with the marine attack speed buff, they melt insanely fast if you have to get anywhere near the front. Every time I think if I wanna morph it I think "slight anti air damage and 400 more hp for 2x longer revive time when they get shredded... nah"
plus with the nix eye being almost useless I'm not risking the omega long revive time when I might get blinked on/fungaled/etc

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 Post subject: Re: random suggestions
PostPosted: June 16th, 2023, 3:28 pm 
ModeratorMap DeveloperBeta TesterDonor
[TryHrd] Akash.566
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Thanks for the feedback, here are my thoughts on some of the proposals:

It sounds like ghosts are working as intended - strong against elites but not very strong against anything else. Hesitant to make them or mando too strong overall as that would severely limit most elite/hero play.

Many have given similar thoughts regarding prism in the early game, will look into it.

These opinions regarding nix seem to be in the minority - I'm still mostly getting complaints saying that phoenix is too strong/unkillable. However, several people have said that the 750 bounty is too high, may reduce that a bit. Will look into ways to incentivize morphing.

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 Post subject: Re: random suggestions
PostPosted: June 18th, 2023, 11:05 am 

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I think the issue with ghosts is if you make them you're gonna be in last, and then your only hope to being a threat is that your teammate can fight people with their elites needing to be a little scared, and since it doesn't 1 shot the elites it usually doesn't even matter. I never see them in scrims and any time anyone picks them they get in last, unless it's a 1/10 game where someone happened to be low hp and in range of a snipe. I don't want it buffed, just more ability to farm and less off-screen snipes

I have seen mando built in 2/40 scrims it's either lvl 1 mando or spec in 99.99% of games
it just seems like it shouldn't be as useful lvl 1 as it is lvl 9, if I get a commando I either keep it lvl 1 or get spec since the snipe will never hit vs a good player

I posted this before rapid fire bug was fixed, nix feel okay now, but the morph is too strong in certain situations and too weak in others.

vs odin/lurker you can kill it in basically 1 lift if you have a prism next to the nix which seems ridiculous..
it basically makes the odin ult pointless because you'll never kill the nix and odin can't be maneuvered well enough to dodge them, and lurker has to be near the front to do damage.

vs spellcasters like hta tass and queen, they're going to be moving around near the back of someone's army so you probably can't right click your nix on it, and if you do get the lift you're probably either not killing it or you would've killed it with a stronger army anyway.

I would be fine with the morph not being great vs spellcasters, but the chance that my nix gets fungaled or picked off from a blink/etc and now I have to wait out a super long respawn is too big a risk.

Maybe no anti air attack but make the disruption web scale at like +0.04 sec per dmg up? Right now it falls off hard later when people have ~200 hp, since stuff dies slower in general. Would make it get (slightly) better in the super lategame like other heroes do.

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 Post subject: Re: random suggestions
PostPosted: June 19th, 2023, 3:36 pm 
ModeratorMap DeveloperBeta TesterDonor
[TryHrd] Akash.566
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Hmm, for ghost and mando, my intention was to allow a player to out-trade someone who is now forced to be more conservative with their hero/elites. For mando this works out better, since due to the level system you can be 3 levels behind and still be dealing 50% damage with snipe - the extra money is spent on army upgrades.

However, for ghost, I think it doesn't work so well since the ghost itself is an investment on par with most other elites. Based on these thoughts, perhaps making ghost cost less would be the solution (however, it should still be expensive enough that you lose to someone who did not invest in any elites at all).

I think this will take some more thought and testing before implementation, since it could potentially make ghost OP again - probably will wait until after the tourney.

Would like to hear some more thoughts before deciding on what to do for ultimate phoenix - currently will make the changes most people seem to want.

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 Post subject: Re: random suggestions
PostPosted: June 23rd, 2023, 1:43 am 

Joined: October 10th, 2019, 10:42 am
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ravens really feel not good after these changes, with ~20 hp ups I'm getting 1 seeker per minute per raven, that means if someone has air they have to dodge 1 seeker every 30 seconds and for the rest of the time I have a dead 50 supply that cost me 1k to upgrade... with ~40 hp ups that becomes every 20 seconds.

This makes it near impossible to 1v2 if someone picks air, or if they just double hardcounter you, even if you have a massive lead on them and are controlling more. Also just a buff to air in general with seekers being this weak. Please just cap the energy regen or have it fall off after ~10 hp ups [tear]

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 Post subject: Re: random suggestions
PostPosted: June 23rd, 2023, 11:33 am 
ModeratorMap DeveloperBeta TesterDonor
[TryHrd] Akash.566
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Joined: August 8th, 2014, 1:14 pm
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Hmm, so just thinking out loud:
Base regeneration rate is 2.25 energy per second, and the change made this value increase by roughly 0.05 per upgrade instead of 0.1.
After 20 HP ups, it should be 2.25+(20*0.05)=3.25 energy/sec.
Pre-nerf, it would have been 2.25+(20*0.1)=4.25 energy/sec.
Over the course of a minute, this adds up to 195 vs 255 - a difference of 60 energy (seeker costs 150 energy, so 1 seeker per minute either way). This means that pre-nerf, you'd get 1 additional seeker per raven every 2.5 minutes.

This change was suggested to me by a couple people when discussing the issue of Ravens acting like ultimate heroes in the lategame - personally, I wanted to nerf the damage scaling instead of the regeneration rate scaling, though this wasn't a popular opinion.

I'll have to look into capping the regen at a certain rate or having it fall off after a certain number of upgrades - not sure if these options are doable with the way it's currently set up.

Other ideas also welcome :)

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 Post subject: Re: random suggestions
PostPosted: June 24th, 2023, 3:03 am 

Joined: October 10th, 2019, 10:42 am
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those are non timescale #s, just testmoded it it's a minute per seeker with 20 hp ups

I don't think anyone complained about ravens midgame being too strong, it's just the fact that you HAD to have ravens past ~15k bounty. I really think reverting it and capping it at maybe 5 (4 in timescale) would be fine, where it's a 50 supply investment + micro for 1 seeker every ~20 sec (or maybe have it scale after 4 but /10 or something). dmg falloff might be good too, since they 1 shot basically every merc in the game later.

Ravens are kinda the in-between if you get hardcountered to still be able to play the game till you have marines, and with this nerf if the opponent has basic ability to dodge seekers it's pointless to buy them since you might as well buy corruptors/overseer/anything else and get more value

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