It is currently October 21st, 2024, 6:33 pm

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Marine Arena - Terms of use

“Marine Arena” User Agreement.
Message Board Terms and Conditions of Use

“Marine Arena” was created to provide a place for players to come together and contribute to the development of Marine Arena. This includes building a good community atmosphere and positive community reputation by sharing game experiences and knowledge.

“Marine Arena” message board provide members an opportunity to submit, post, express, display, transmit and exchange information, ideas, messages, opinions, content and other material. Our message board is provided for the noncommercial use of our members. Your use of our message board is specifically governed by these terms and conditions. You automatically agree to these terms when you register, access or use our message board.

Posted Materials
“Marine Arena” authors, owners or operators are not responsible and assumes no liability for any ideas, opinions, content, information, messages, transmissions or other materials posted to our message board. “Marine Arena” does not represent, endorse, warrant or vouch for any posted materials or the validity, accuracy, completeness, reliability, timeliness or usefulness of any content in any way. Any opinions or similar statements expressed in posted materials are not necessarily those of the “Marine Arena” authors, owners or operators or their related entities and no representations or warranties are made by them regarding such opinions or statements. “Marine Arena” authors, owner or operators and their related entities shall not be liable for any posted materials.

Public Communications
“Marine Arena” message board are public and the materials you post are not kept confidential. You acknowledge that the materials you post are intended for public and not private communications and that you have no expectation of privacy with regard to any materials that you post. You acknowledge that search engine spiders including but not limited to Google and Yahoo "crawl" our website and archive this information without our request as it is public information.

All “Marine Arena” members fill in a StarCraft II account name, 3 digit friend code and gateway during registration. You acknowledge that account name and gateway is accurate and is a legitimate StarCraft II account that belongs to you and is intended for public not private communications and that you have no expectation of privacy.

Protecting the privacy and anonymity of our members is important. You acknowledge that “Marine Arena” authors, owners or operators may disclose information held about you only if (1) you authorize us to do so; (2) we must do so in order to resolve technical problems with our system; (3) a complaint or legal action arises as the result of any materials posted by you; (4) required by law or necessary to comply with a judicial proceeding, court order, or legal process served on us; (5) such disclosure is necessary to protect our rights, property or interests or the rights, property or interests of others; or (6) we believe in the good-faith that such action is necessary to act in an emergency to protect the safety of our members or the public.

Prohibited Acts
You agree not to post any of the following types of materials:
  • Materials that are defamatory, libelous, knowingly false or inaccurate, obscene, pornographic, indecent, abusive, vulgar, bigoted, racially offensive, hateful, harassing, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, offensive or invasive of personal privacy.

  • Materials that infringe any intellectual property or other right of any person or entity, including but not limited to, trademarks, copyrights, moral rights, trade secrets, patents, confidentiality restrictions, privacy rights or proprietary rights.

  • Materials that falsify or delete author attributions, legal notices or other proprietary designations.

  • Materials that advertise, market, or otherwise solicit funds or the sale of goods or services or that is for commercial purposes or intended to promote or generate revenue for any business enterprise or commercial activity, unless otherwise authorized to do so.

  • Materials that knowingly contain any harmful components that may cause damage to any computer related system or that may interfere with the use of our system.

  • Materials that violate any law, constitute, encourage or advocate conduct that would be considered a criminal offense, illegal activity or give rise to civil liability, or discuss illegal activities with the intent to commit them.

  • Materials that do not generally pertain or relate to the designated topics or subtopics of the message board to which they are posted or that constitute chain letters, pyramid schemes, or similar solicitations.

  • Or any other violations set forth by “Marine Arena” rules page located here.

You remain solely responsible for all materials you post. By posting materials, you agree to indemnify and hold “Marine Arena” authors, owners and operators harmless with respect to and against any and all claims, demands, liabilities, costs or expenses, including reasonable attorney fees, resulting from materials you post or your breach of these terms.

Removal and Access Privileges
“Marine Arena” authors, owners or operators may remove or modify any posted materials that violate these terms in any way. “Marine Arena” authors, owners or operators reserve the right to remove or modify posted materials at any time and for any reason although we have no duty to do so. “Marine Arena” authors, owners or operators reserve the right to deny any member or user access to our message board, without notice and at our sole discretion.

Anyone who feels that posted materials violate these terms, are actionable or are objectionable is encouraged to contact us immediately by reporting the material by use of built in board reporting or sending a private message to a moderator or administrator. We reserve the right to not respond to your message and we reserve the right to take or refrain from taking any or all steps available to us once we receive any such message. We will make every effort to remove posted materials within a reasonable time frame if we determine that removal is necessary.

“Marine Arena” authors, owners or operators do not warrant, represent or endorse any posted material in any way. Your use of our message board is at your own risk. Posted materials could include misinformation, technical or factual inaccuracies, false statements or other errors. “Marine Arena” authors, owners and operators do not warrant that the functioning of message board will be uninterrupted or error-free, that defects will be corrected, or that a message board or the servers that make the message board available are free of viruses or other harmful components. “Marine Arena” authors, owners or operators do not warrant or make any representations regarding the use or the results of the use of any posted materials in terms of their truthfulness, validity, accuracy, correctness, completeness, timeliness, reliability, or otherwise.

“Marine Arena” authors, owners or operators may revise these terms without notice. If you continue to use our message board after such changes have been made, you automatically accept those changes.

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