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 Post subject: HotS Map WIP
PostPosted: August 23rd, 2014, 11:51 am 
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[TryHrd] Relic
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WIP stuff....

General Info

-Merc Overview-
- There are 36 different mercs total.

- Each race has 3 melee, 5 range, and 1 air merc.

- Each race has 1 melee and 1 range merc that can ignore/bypass terrain via an active ability (not just a-move over stuff).
(Like blink / cliff jump / temporary hover (flight) etc..

- All mercs will have an active ability (except maybe air).

-Counter info (generic)-
Ok, So in this the counter system is designed to function purely around mechanics without (hopefully) needing artificial tag bonus in merc vs merc.

There will be quite noticeable differentiation on how mercs do damage, unit size, Hp, and Armor. Ie base armor will also vary greatly on all the mercs (instead of all being roughly the same value). Also, Mercs with high armor will generally have lower hp, and the highest hp mercs have the lowest armor.

Example: (these numbers are just made up and exaggerated to illustrate point).
Base armor values of say 2, 6, 10 for the varying range mercs classes
Base dmg values of say 14, 20, 30 (at similar dps).

- Each Race has it's own set of elites (and not necessarily the same number available).
- While there may be some similarities (ex AA role, or long range siege) they will all be unique and different in how they function or their multi-purposes.

General Elite Roles:
- AA (Air to Air)
- AG (Air to Ground)
- GG (Ground to Ground)
- GA (Ground to Air)
- SIEGE (Long range damage)
- AOE (As in AOE Spells, like HSM)
- SUP (Support Spells, like G-Shield or FF)
- HEAL (Healing, medibabe aura)
- TRANS (Transport Units)
- OBS (Detection)
- STUN (Note, in this elites wont have something like OS stun, it will be more like the Lockdown that the ghost for MA WOL never got)

Also note, elites will be generally multi purpose in different ways (varying among races).

While Terran may get Viking that covers AA, GG,
Zerg may get Corrupter that covers AA and SUP (Corruption)
FYI: Cor range/dmg etc will all be changed obviously... so don't think of them how they are now.

- Each Race has it's own unique set of (7) Heroes

Note: Some heroes will be flying besides just the dedicated Air hero.

Hero Classes:
- Spell Caster
- Army Support
- Anti Hero
- Melee(ish) Tank
- Range DPS
- AIR Hero
- Other Special Hero

NOTE: Going with the edge terrain like Left/Bot has.
Also, Xel Towers aren't shown in this either etc...
This is ~112 from current of 96. But it's actually not nearly as choked as it seems... melee will likely have a field day with more routes to flank etc (and you can fit a lot on the ramps).
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 Post subject: Re: MA HotS - Dev Blog
PostPosted: August 23rd, 2014, 11:56 am 
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[TryHrd] Relic
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Merc Counter System
Melee 1:
Size: Small
Armor: Low
HP: Medium
Dmg Type: Low Damage, Fast Attack

Melee 2:
Size: Medium
Armor: Medium
HP: High
Dmg Type: High Damage, Slow Attack

Melee 3:
Size: Large
Armor: High
HP: Low
Dmg Type: Splash (cleave), Medium Damage, Medium Attack

Melee 1 > Melee 2 > Melee 3
The interaction with range is roughly:
(Note: the overlap point isn't always on range 2, it varies a bit depending on race)
Range 4, 5 > Melee 1 > Range 2, 3
Range 1, 2 > Melee 2 > Range 4, 5
Range 4, 5 > Melee 3 > Range 1, 2

Range 1:
Size: Med
Armor: Low
HP: High
Dmg Type: Low Damage, Fast Attack

Range 2:
Size: Small
Armor: Med
HP: High
Dmg Type: Med Damage, Med Attack

Range 3:
Size: Big
Armor: Med
HP: High
Dmg Type: High Damage, Slow Attack

Range 4:
Size: Big
Armor: High
HP: Med
Dmg Type: Med Damage, Med Attack

Range 5:
Size: Med
Armor: Med
HP: Med
Dmg Type: Splash

Counters next 2, countered by previous 2:
Range 1 > Range 2 > Range 3 > Range 4 > Range 5 > Range 1...

Damage types etc will vary among races (think Vr, compared to muta).
They will (especially muta/scout) be slower than current.

But generally:
Lowish Armor with splash reduction. (Don't wan't the splash ground merc to obliterate air...)

Oh, and your limited to very low numbers of air mercs (~20). BUT they wont take up any supply.

Each Race's Mercs
Note: the // info on right denotes its state relative to that class.
Example: Size: Med // Big.... Means that the unit is large for the medium size mercs

Range 1: Goliath
Size: Med // Big
Armor: Low
HP: High // Med
Dmg Type: LDF

Range 2: Marauder
Size: Small // Med
Armor: Med
HP: Med // Med
Dmg Type: MDM
Ability: Stim / Conc

Range 3: Tank
Size: Big // Small
Armor: Med
HP: High // Med
Dmg Type: HDS

Range 4: Diamond Back
Size: Big // Big
Armor: High
HP: Med // High
Dmg Type: MDM // MULTI

Range 5: Reaper*
Size: Med // Small
Armor: Med
HP: Med // Low
Dmg Type: SPL LDF


Melee 1: Attack Dog
Size: Small // Small
Armor: Low
HP: Med // Low
Dmg Type: LDF

Melee 2: Predator*
Size: Med // Med
Armor: Med
HP: High // High
Dmg Type: HDS // MDM
Ability: Leap / Conc on Leap

Melee 3: HellBat
Size: Large // Small
Armor: High
HP: Med // Low
Dmg Type: SPL LDF
Ability: Morph to Hellion(?) (Faster movespeed, less dps)


Air 1: Wraith
Dmg Type: HDS
Ability: Evasion(?)

Note: the // info on right denotes its state relative to that class.
Example: Size: Med // Big.... Means that the unit is large for the medium size mercs

Range 1: Archon
Size: Med // Med
Armor: Low
HP: High // High
Dmg Type: LDF // MULTI

Range 2: Sentry
Size: Small // Small
Armor: Med
HP: Med // Low
Dmg Type: MDM

Range 3: Immortal
Size: Big // Big
Armor: Med
HP: High // High
Dmg Type: HDS
Ability: Defensive Matrix

Range 4: Stalker*
Size: Big // Med
Armor: High
HP: Med // Med
Dmg Type: MDM // HDS
Ability: Blink

Range 5: Hybrid Destroyer
Size: Med // Big
Armor: Med
HP: Med // High
Dmg Type: SPL LDF
Ability: Overchange(?)


Melee 1: Warplot*
Size: Small // Big
Armor: Low
HP: Med // High
Dmg Type: LDF // HDS
Ability: Blink

Melee 2: DT Charglot
Size: Med // Small
Armor: Med
HP: High // Low
Dmg Type: HDS // LDF
Ability: Temporary Cloak, Charge

Melee 3: Reaver
Size: Big // Big
Armor: High
HP: Med // High
Dmg Type: SPL // HDS
Ability: Push Charge


Air 1: VoidRay
Dmg Type: MDM

Note: the // info on right denotes its state relative to that class.
Example: Size: Med // Big.... Means that the unit is large for the medium size mercs

Note: All Zerg can Burrow (Except maybe locust which has ability to fly)
Range 1: Hydralisk
Size: Med // Small
Armor: Low
HP: High // Med
Dmg Type: LDF

Range 2: Locust*
Size: Small // Big
Armor: Med
HP: Med // High
Dmg Type: MDM
Ability: Hover Move (Temporary flight)

Range 3: Lurker
Size: Big // Small
Armor: Med
HP: High // Low
Dmg Type: HDS
Ability: attack while burrowed (like sniper prone ie + range, but immobile)

Range 4: Queen
Size: Big // Big
Armor: High
HP: Med // High
Dmg Type: MDM // MDM

Range 5: Roach
Size: Med // Med
Armor: Med
HP: Med // Med
Dmg Type: SPL LDF
Ability: Burrow Move


Melee 1: RaptorLing*
Size: Small // Med
Armor: Low
HP: Med // Med
Dmg Type: LDF // MDM
Ability: Leap Attack

Melee 2: Abberation
Size: Med // Big
Armor: Med
HP: High // High
Dmg Type: HDS // HDS

Melee 3: Big Pygalisk
Size: Big // Med
Armor: High
HP: Med // Med
Dmg Type: SPL // MDM
Ability: Push Charge


Air 1: Mutalisk
Ability: Heal(?)

Note: the // info on right denotes its state relative to that class.
Example: Size: Med // Big.... Means that the unit is large for the medium size mercs

Range 1: ?????
Size: Med // Med
Armor: Low
HP: High // Low
Dmg Type: LDF

Range 2: ?????
Size: Small // Med
Armor: Med
HP: Med // Med
Dmg Type: MDM

Range 3: ?????*
Size: Big // Big
Armor: Med
HP: High // Med
Dmg Type: HDS
Ability: Leap

Range 4: ?????
Size: Big // Small
Armor: High
HP: Med // Low
Dmg Type: MDM // LDF

Range 5: ?????
Size: Med // Med
Armor: Med
HP: Med // Med
Dmg Type: SPL LDF


Melee 1: ?????
Size: Small // Med
Armor: Low
HP: Med // Med
Dmg Type: LDF // MDM

Melee 2: ?????
Size: Med // Big
Armor: Med
HP: High // High
Dmg Type: HDS // HDS

Melee 3: ?????*
Size: Big // Med
Armor: High
HP: Med // High
Dmg Type: SPL // MDM
Ability: Leap Attack/Move, Stun on Leap land


Air 1: ?????
Dmg Type:

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 Post subject: Re: MA HotS - Dev Blog
PostPosted: August 23rd, 2014, 11:56 am 
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[TryHrd] Relic
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Not All are going to stay, and some more will be added... Terran list will likely be trimmed down.

Also: likely limit to 2 of each elite except for the uber elite (ala old bc) which is the Zeus lander, Carrier, Broodlord/SwarmGuardian, Warthog

Elite 1: Viking
Roles: AA, GG
Airborne Viking:
- Speed: Fast
- DMG type: LDF
- Armor: Low
- HP: Med // Low
- Range: Very Long
- Special: Morph to Assault Mode
Landed (Assault viking)
- Speed: Slow
- DMG type: LDF
- Armor: Low
- HP: Med // Low
- Range: Med
- Special: Morph to Flying Mode

Elite 2: Duskwing
Roles: AG
- Speed: Med
- DMG type: SPL MDM
- Armor: Low
- HP: Med
- Range: Med
- Special: Cloak

Elite 3: Seige Tank
Roles: SIEGE, GG
Mobile Mode (GG)
- Speed: Med
- DMG type: MDM
- Armor: Med
- HP: Med // High
- Range: Med
- Special: Switch to Siege Mode
Siege Mode (SIEGE, GG)
- Speed: Immobile
- DMG type: HDS SPL
- Armor: Low
- HP: Med // High
- Range: Very Long
- Special: Switch to Mobile Mode

Elite 4: Zeus Lander
Flying Mode:
Roles: AA, AG, AOE
- Speed: Slow
- DMG type: LDF
- Armor: Med
- HP: High
- Range: Med
Special: Barrage, Land
Roles: GG
- Speed: Immobile
- DMG type: Rest to be determined
- Armor: Med
- HP: High
- Range: Med
Special: Take off

Elite 5: Medi-Babe
- Speed: Med
- Armor: Low
- HP: Med // Low
- Capacity: Low
- Special: Speed Boost

Elite 6: Blimp
- Speed: Med // Slow
- Armor: Low
- HP: Med // High
- Special: Transfuse

Elite 7: Raven
Roles: AOE
- Speed: Slow
- Armor: Low
- HP: Med
- Special: HSM, PDD, TURRET

Elite 8: Ghost
Roles: GG, GA, STUN
- Speed:
- DMG type: MDM
- Armor:
- HP:
- Range: Med
- Special: Cloak, Lockdown

Elite 10: SV
Roles: SUP AOE
- Speed: Slow
- Armor:
- HP:
- Range:
- Special: Irradiate, Particle Accelerator

Elite 1: Scout
Roles: AG, AA
- Speed: Med
- DMG type: MDM
- Armor: Low
- HP: Med
- Range: Med (AG), Very Long (AA)

Elite 2: Tempest
Roles: SIEGE, AG
Mobile Mode
- Speed: Slow
- DMG type: MDM
- Armor: Low
- HP: Med // Low
- Range: Med
- Special: Switch to Charge (Siege Mode)
Siege Mode (SIEGE, AG)
- Speed: Immobile
- DMG type: HDS SPL
- Armor: Low
- HP: Med // Low
- Range: Very Long
- Special: Switch to Mobile Mode

Elite 3: Carrier
Roles: AA, AG, AOE
- Speed: Slow
- DMG type: MDM
- Armor: Med
- HP: High
- Range: Med
Special: Interceptors

Elite 4: Shuttle
- Speed: Med // Slow
- Armor: Low
- HP: Med // High
- Capacity: High
- Special:

Elite 6: Observer
- Speed:
- Armor:
- HP:
- Special: Transfuse, Cloak

Elite 6: Sentry
Roles: SUP
- Speed: Med
- DMG type:
- Armor:
- HP:
- Range:
Special: GShield, FF

Elite 7: Oracle
Roles: AOE AG(?)
- Speed:
- DMG type:
- Armor:
- HP:
- Range:

Elite 1: Corruptor
Roles: AA, SUP
- Speed: Fast
- DMG type:
- Armor: Low
- HP: Med // Low
- Range: Very Long
- Special: Corruption

Elite 2: Lurker
Roles: SIEGE, GG
Mobile Mode (GG)
- Speed: Med // Fast
- DMG type: MDM
- Armor: Low
- HP: Med // High
- Range: Med
- Special: Burrow to Siege
Siege Mode (SIEGE, GG)
- Speed: Immobile
- DMG type: HDS SPL
- Armor: Low
- HP: Med // High
- Range: Very Long
- Special: Unburrow to move

Elite 3: Broodlord
Roles: AA, AG, AOE
- Speed: Slow
- DMG type: HDS
- Armor: Med
- HP: High
- Range: Med
Special: Launch Scourges (AA,AG, AOE)

Elite 4: Overlord (Big)
- Speed: Med // Med
- Armor: Low
- HP: Med // Med
- Capacity: Med
- Special:

Elite 5: Overseer
- Speed:
- Armor:
- HP:
- Special: Transfuse

Elite 6: Defiler
Roles: AOE
- Speed:
- DMG type:
- Armor:
- HP:
- Range:
Special: DarkSwarm (Changed Obv...)

Elite 1: ?????
Roles: AA, SUP
- Speed: Fast
- DMG type:
- Armor: Low
- HP: Med // Low
- Range: Very Long
- Special:

Elite 2: ?????
Roles: SIEGE
Mobile Mode
- Speed: Med // Fast
- DMG type: MDM
- Armor: Low
- HP: Med // High
- Range: Med
- Special:
Siege Mode (SIEGE)
- Speed: Immobile
- DMG type: HDS SPL
- Armor: Low
- HP: Med // High
- Range: Very Long
- Special:

Elite 3: ?????
Roles: AA, AG, AOE
- Speed: Slow
- DMG type: HDS
- Armor: Med
- HP: High
- Range: Med

Elite 4: ?????
- Speed: Med // Med
- Armor: Low
- HP: Med // Med
- Capacity: Med
- Special: Burrow Move, Deep Tunnel
(Yes, It's a subterranean moving transport. )

Elite 5: ?????
- Speed:
- Armor:
- HP:
- Special: Transfuse

Elite 6: ?????
Roles: AOE
- Speed:
- DMG type:
- Armor:
- HP:
- Range:

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 Post subject: Re: HotS Map WIP
PostPosted: August 23rd, 2014, 1:52 pm 
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Thanks for typing all this up Relic :)

     Josin wrote:
Thank You, for being Kind, Respectful, and Appreciative of the Devs.
We have put a lot into this game and greatly appreciate your support. [wedabest]

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 Post subject: Re: HotS Map WIP
PostPosted: August 26th, 2014, 12:29 pm 
ModeratorMap DeveloperDonor
[TryHrd] Relic
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Early fine tuning of merc stats:


- (currently) no tag bonus's needed in merc vs merc... how well they do vs one another is purely via mechanics.
- Values as a whole (ex HP) can be scaled either way to easily change how long battles last etc... whats more important is the relative ratios between mercs.
- Armor capping limit also going to change (current min dmg is 0.5, probably moving towards 1+dmg)

-Net Ratios and what that means-
Net ratio is roughly your win % vs the other merc. It's a function of What you do vs them, what they do vs you and both your hps taking into account each mercs radius.

Think of it as your bonus vs another merc.. in MA WOL you would have ratios of say 20% vs varios tags for example. Except in HotS it's coming via mechanics and not from tags.

-Range vs Close Combat-
Also for gameplay it's important to decide when you want to close in on the enemy vs fight them from max range.
Some counters are very very effective at range (but are weak, or even counterCountered at very close distances), where as others counters aren't too strong at range but can be devastating if you close in on the enemy.

Preliminary Base Merc Stats
-Range Classes-
Range 1:
- Radius: 0.5
- HP: 500
- Armor: 0
- DMG: 40 // Period 1 // Attacks: 2
- Spawn Time: 5 // Bounty/Supply: 19

..........Range // Close
vsMRC1 1.00 // 1.00
vsMRC2 1.29 // 1.05
vsMRC3 1.25 // 1.66
vsMRC4 0.63 // 1.33
vsMRC5 0.68 // 1.15

Range 2:
- Radius: 0.45
- HP: 400
- Armor: 6
- DMG: 80 // Period 1.5 // Attacks: 1
- Spawn Time: 4.275 // Bounty/Supply: 16

..........Range // Close
vsMRC1 0.77 // 0.96
vsMRC2 1.00 // 1.00
vsMRC3 1.20 // 1.96
vsMRC4 1.09 // 2.84
vsMRC5 0.70 // 1.46

Range 3:
- Radius: 0.575
- HP: 425
- Armor: 17
- DMG: 100 // Period 1.75 // Attacks: 1
- Spawn Time: 6.18 // Bounty/Supply: 23

..........Range // Close
vsMRC1 0.80 // 0.60
vsMRC2 0.83 // 0.51
vsMRC3 1.00 // 1.00
vsMRC4 1.20 // 1.91
vsMRC5 1.14 // 1.45

Range 4:
- Radius: 0.725
- HP: 575
- Armor: 27
- DMG: 60 // Period 1.44 // Attacks: 1
- - Multi Hit 2: 30
- - Multi Hit 3: 5
- - Multi Hit 4: 5
- Spawn Time: 8.88 // Bounty/Supply: 33

..........Range // Close
vsMRC1 1.58 // 0.75
vsMRC2 0.91 // 0.35
vsMRC3 0.83 // 0.52
vsMRC4 1.00 // 1.00
vsMRC5 1.27 // 1.02

Range 5:
- Radius: 0.65
- HP: 450
- Armor: 22
- DMG: 60 // Period 1.2 // Attacks: 1 // SPLASH Fraction: 0.5, Radius 0.725
- Spawn Time: 7.475 // Bounty/Supply: 28

..........Range // Close
vsMRC1 1.47 // 0.87
vsMRC2 1.43 // 0.68
vsMRC3 0.88 // 0.69
vsMRC4 0.79 // 0.98
vsMRC5 1.00 // 1.00

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