General: - Various fixes to elite weapon scan ranges (some (like cor) would start moving on their own to chase even though they were far from weapon range).
DWF: - Increase reap range by 0.75 (from 0.5) - Increase (grounded) vike range by 1 (from 0.5)
Tags: - Removed attribute tags on: obs, pdd drone
BC: Auto: Same dps, just with faster attack lower dmg armor penn for new lower dmg etc... Yamato: - Reverted dmg/splash change... - Back to 400 +30/up - splash fractions of 75%, 50%, 25% Yam damage vs target is same as dub hsm, except it takes way longer for bc to get energy to yam than ravens to dub hsm.
DW: Barrage: Fixed CD.
Ghost: AutoAttack: -ROF to 1.25 (from 1.3)
Medi-Babe: - Limit to 2 (from 1) - Cost to 250 (from 300) - Base move speed to 6.5 (from 7.5) - energy max to 25 - Regen/Sec to 1.25 (does not scale) Cargo Space: - differentiated on some mercs/rines now: Can hold 56 capacity: - Marines, Lings (and ling morphs) size: 1 - Rest of Mercs size: 2 - Elites/Hero size is 8 (except reaps which are 4) So if your lifting up eiltes/or hero you wont carry many mercs with it. Heal Aura: - Regen to 4 (from 5) - Elite ups increase this by 1, and 1.5 SpeedBoosters: - Costs 25 energy (takes it 20 sec to regen that energy) - Lasts 2 Sec - Speed boosted by 75% - Dmg Redux 50% (Did energy cost instead of flat CD so that emp/leech/fb can deny escapes)
Overseer: Changeling: - Reduce base aoe radius to 2 (from 2.2) - Elite ups give +0.1 to radius. (They are very strong early) Stun: - Base duration to 1.25 - +0.5 from UWS, + 0.75 from DWF (Base ovy has much shorter stun duration, but Dub Elite upped ovy is longer now)
Raven: - Max energy to 225 (from 235)(Want a bigger window after 1 set of hsm for next to be ready) AutoTurrets: - Cost to 50 energy (from 45)
Reaper: - Hp to 450 (from 425)(This is so it takes 2 attack ups instead of 1 for dub hsm or yam to one shot them)
Viking: (Flying)AutoAttack:(Reworked Viking auto to be a bit more effective vs new pdd etc, and allow it to shoot, move shoot, instead of just sit firing stream of missiles) - Removed ROF increase (no more laser beam viking with lots of attack ups sadly). - ROF to 1.0 (from 0.2 base) - Fires salvo of 20 missiles at once. (With similar DPS to old vike) - Gains +1 missile fired in savlo per attack up - Damage to 4 (+0.1 / up) (from 8.5 +0.2/up) - Armor Reduction 0.25 (x0.975/up) (Armor reduction is how much dmg 1 armor negates vs this attack. Think of armor penetration then as (1 - Armor reduction).)
Col: - Cost to 750 (leveling costs to 375, 475 etc) - Energy regen to 1.25 (from 2). (takes 20sec to regen energy to rag again). - Fixed Armor scaling to +1 (was getting +2) (It's quite surprising that nobody noticed this long standing bug considering how often people go col instead of odin against ground units...) Rag Beam: - Buffed base dmg 4x (heroic buff reduced to 25% from 500) (Same exact dps vs hero and scaling) (Changed so it's not useless vs elites)
Infestor: - Fix burrowed HP to match unburrowed
Odin: - Move speed to that of T3. (given back through levels) (no longer starts as fast as base nix) - No longer immune to VP. (other stuns can deny nuke anyway).
Phoenix: - cost to be 700, and 375, 475, 575... per level - Double nix all the way - Move speed to 6.75 (form 6), per level to +0.2 (ends at 8.15 from 08.1) - Shield to 1000 (from 800) - Shield per level to +125 from +75 - Shield per hp up increased Auto Attack: - Can target ground - ROF to 0.34 (from 0.25), -0.02/level (form -0.008) - DMG to 6 (from 15) + 0.5/level +0.5 from attack ups - AOE to 0.75 (from 1) - Range to 5 +0.2 / level (Shorter range is ok tho, cause like vulture it will be tanky enough to use it) GravBeam: - Charge count to 1 - Charges take 11 sec to regen. - CD removed - Base lift to 1.5 (from 1.8) - Max to 3.95 (from 3.9) (Teched nix lift duration is ~4 sec... So you can chain 2 lifts from dub nix, then have to wait 7 sec for lifts. This is so it's not just forcing t2 heroes to spend 85% of their time lifted constantly... You've got 2 back to back lifts you can use (which is strong) but if you don't get hero in that time then they should be much more free on the ground instead of constantly in air.)