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 Post subject: MA2.5 Mega Update
PostPosted: March 24th, 2014, 10:55 pm 
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Joined: January 21st, 2014, 8:01 pm
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Hi Everyone, Enjoy 2.5

A big thanks to TheMusic (responsible for all the new UI stuff)
TheMusic, is an extremely skilled UI/Graphic designer that made the leaderboard, donor menu and of course the beautiful new voting system for MA2.5!


Thanks to killer for making 3 videos to showcase 2.5!

2.5 Overview

phpBB [video]

2.5 Donor Perks!

phpBB [video]

2.5 Tassadar and Archon changes

phpBB [video]

Quick Note for all our beautiful players!

The ELO System and Bank saving system is not something we could test effectively without publishing the map public and getting lots of feed, so please be patient if its not working 100%.


- Shared Cooldown on saviors (3 seconds)
- New Voting System with Sexy New UI
- New Leaderboard
- New Donor Perks (now 2 perks per game for donors)
- New Perks Menu
- AFK Ally Kick System added

New Skill Score System (more info)
- Skill = a score based on performance vs other players and takes into account their skill score
- Avg Met = the avg score of enemies over the past 20 games (a metric to determine pub vs scrim quality enemies)

New SD Options:
Normal SD:
---300 minerals / minute (6 sec intervals)
---Center beacon control is disabled
---All else is the same as previous SD
Soft SD:
---No drops
---Saves refunded
---200 minerals / minute (6 sec intervals)
---Center beacon control is disabled
---No unit wipes
---Towers and base D NOT disabled
(Expert mode has NO SD)

New Game Mode : King of the hill!
- 200 minerals / minute at mid
- 100 minerals / minute at towers
(both applied in 6 sec intervals)
- center beacon control is disabled

Small Things

- Removed health and shield bars from the middle shops
- Switched models for BC and Siege Tank to campaign models
- Announcement when each tier of mercs unlock (noob friendlyness)



- Marine Drops Scaled back (regen and cooldowns)
- All Towers get armour ups from base defence upgrades
- Bunkers and missile towers get armour ups from base defence upgrades
- Missile Turret missiles should be moving a bit faster

Added passive button to command cards that shows hero level for all heroes (similar to what commando already has)


- Reduced Life to 200, down from 300
- Reduced Life per level to 25, down from 45
- Reduced Shields per level to 75, down from 95
- Feedback now drains 30 energy at level 0, which increases by the function (x+10)*1.25 per level to max at about 330 energy at level 7 (tooltip shows correct amount drained)
- Feedback now has 3 second cooldown
- Reduced energy cost of feedback to 25 energy, down from 50
- Storm and Fungal separation per Josin's threads (already completed)
- Mind Control Reduced from 6.25 seconds to 4 seconds
- Mind Control Projectile slowed down a little
- Tassadar FF Scaling at lvl 0 - 3 its sentry size, 4 - 6 is medium, max lvl is full sized.


- Rag beam will now cost energy. 25 energy.
- 25 Max Energy on colo which should fully charge when cooldown is complete.


- Fungal no longer disables blink
- Fungal slows attack and move speed by 50%


- Fungal roots and slows attack speed by 25% (like it used to)


- Reduced AA splash fraction to 0.5 from 1
- Increased base movespeed to 6 from 5.4
- Increased base ground weapon attack speed to 1 from 1.09


- Can now only attack air.
- Grav beam is no longer channeled. Now you can lift and run away freely.
- Grav beam range reduced to 5 and increases to 6 at max level
- Grav beam energy cost reduced to 40.
- Invulnerable shield energy cost increased to 160.
- Phoenix has 200 energy at level 0 (increases by 10 per level).
- Grav beam has no cooldown.
- Phoenix damage is increased to current heroic damage and heroic damage buff is removed.
- Phoenix has hardened shield. Max damage dealt per shot to phoenix is 30
- Phoenix cannot lift commando or spectre


- Reduced Nuke Call down from 9 seconds to 6 seconds
- Removed EMP energy cost but gave cooldown of 8 seconds, leveling reduces cooldown by 1 second per level
- EMP now drains 50 energy at level 0, which increases by the function (x+10)*1.25 per level to max at about 331 energy at level 6 (tooltip shows correct amount drained)
- Commando now has improved cloak which reduces all damage taken to life by 50% while active and increases movement speed by 25% while active.
- Spec lash time reduced by 30%



- Removed armor pen from training ups for 1st bounce <-- it has 15% currently after all training ups
- Reduced armor pen from training ups for last bounce from 30% at max to 15% - Reduced Base health from 435 to 410
- Base dmg decreased down to 17 from 19
- Movement speed decreased to 5.3 down from 5.6
- Gave first bounce splash radius of 0.4 and fraction of 0.3, splash can only hit air units.


- Increased bounty given from 9 to 10.
- Concussive duration reduced from 1 second to .66 (time scale bug)


- Increased spawn time to 5 seconds from 6 seconds
- Reduced life to 280 from 300


- Increased base armor to 1 from 0
- Increased bounty to 9 from 8
- Increased armor per upgrade to 1 from 0.75
- Gave splash radius of 0.4 and fraction of 0.3, splash can only hit air units.


- Removed splash vs ground
- Gave splash radius of 0.4 and fraction of 0.3, splash can only hit air units.
- Increased base life to 320 up from 280

Lancer <---- Glass Cannon/Micro Machine

- Decreased HP from 170 to 120
- Decreased Shield from 95 to 85
- Increased DMG to 22.0 from 19.5
- Increased Bonus dmg's by 2
- Decreased blink cooldown from 20 seconds to 16
- Decreased dmg to heroic by 4 dmg.
- Reduced DMG penalty against Air from 25% to 5%


- Reduced damage per upgrade of GTA to 1 from 1.5
- Increased GTA splash radius to 0.5 from 0.35 and splash fraction to 0.4 from 0.35

Void Rays

- Decreased shield Regen by 1
- Increased shield regen with training ups by .25 per upgrade.
- Decreased Base dmg to 13 from 15
- Decreased Dmg to structures by 2 dmg.
- Reduced total life to 360 from 540
- Reduced bounty to 14 from 18
- Increase spawn time to 7 seconds from 10
- Decreased purchase cost to 1600 from 2000
- Decreased rebuild cost to 800 from 1000
- Added attributes Psionic and Armored
- Changed attribute focus from Massive to Mechanical and Heavy


- Decreased Base HP by 20
- Decreased base dmg by 1
- Decreased Dmg to structures from 80 % of base to 70%
- Attribute tag switched to Armored

Temple Zealots

- Attribute tag switched to Psionic


- Increased Bonus to flying to 20%


- Gave it a machine gun style attack (similar to goliath)
- Reduced ATA base damage to 18 from 23
- Reduced ATG structure damage to 70% of base
- Decreased ATA attack speed to 2.4 from 1.9
- Reduced outer and inner ATA splash radius to 0.75/0.25 from 1/0.5
- Increased base life to 370 from 340
- Increased base GTA damage to 16.5 from 15
- Reduced outer and inner ATA splash fraction to 0.15/0.4 from 0.3/0.35
- Increased base armor to 3 from 2
- Increased evasive chance to 40% from 20%
- Reduced purchase cost to 1600 from 2000
- Reduced bounty to 14 from 16
- Added attributes Mechanical and Heavy
- Changed attribute damage focus from heavy to Biological and Light


- Glave dmg of 100% 75% 50%
- Decreased base attack speed to 1.65 from 1.51
- Reduce DPU to 1 (to help prevent muta from becoming too dominating as they mass up)
- Reduce starting damage by 1 to 16 (from 17) (compensated for by the increase glave damage + splash)
- Reduced bounty to 14 from 18
- Increase spawn time to 7 seconds from 10
- Decreased purchase cost to 1600 from 1800
- Decreased cost of WOS to 400 from 500
- Added attributes Biological and Light
- Changed attribute damage focus from Biological and Light to Psionic and Armored


Science Vessel ---- NEW UNIT

- The Science Vessel is an advanced tactics unit capable of creating one way portals and generating an aura buff to allied units.
- Aura buff gives 7.5% damage reduction and 7.5% attack speed, is an activate ability, and costs 1 energy per second
- Portals beacons teleport units from the entrance portal to the exit portal and have a timed life of 1 minute
- Science Vessel has no energy regen and instead has 100% energy leech from it's main attack
- Costs 400 minerals, limit 1 per player
(infinite looping of portals is impossible, don't waste your time =P)


- Increased projectile speed back to normal


- Decreased Turret Cooldown from 30 seconds to 20 seconds
- Increased Range of Hunter seeker from 8 to 8.5


- Increased amount allowed to 3 from 2.

Mo Ship

- Decreased DMG from 20 x 6 down to 12 x 6


- Increased detection range to 7 (up from 6)


- Increased cooldown on corruption to 60 seconds from 36 seconds.


- Reduced energy drain from EMP to 35 from 75.
- Energy drained increases by 5 per merc upgrade.


- Increased heal rate from 3 to 5
- Units being healed now gain 1 armor and a 15% armor buff
- Increased life per upgrade to 50 from 25

Thank You :)

     Josin wrote:
Thank You, for being Kind, Respectful, and Appreciative of the Devs.
We have put a lot into this game and greatly appreciate your support. [wedabest]

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