GENERAL- Global EMP removed (either permanent of needs a major change)
- All CC Armor upgrade: Base price decreased to 250 (from 275) [scaling of +50 remains]MARINES- Center Minor Upgrades now require 6 marine ups (4 of which must match the type)
- Marine Stim + attack speed decreased to +25% (from +50%)
- Each Marine Minor upgrade (damage, hp, armor) give back +10% on stim
- Damage Minor now gives flat +2 dmg (no more +10% scaling)MERCSZealot:- Fixed a bug where zealots dealt warpzealot splash dmg...
- Increased base damage to 11 (from 10)
Temple Zealot:- Each Training Upgrade now gives +.5 dmg (from +0)
- Training upgrade +HP per up increased to 15 (from 10)
- Training upgrade +Shield per up increased to 10 (from 6)
- CC HP upgrade +Shield increased to +10 (from +6)
Hardened Shield REDESIGNED:
Damage to shield = (incoming damage - armor) x 20% + 5
This actually works really well to simulate a hardened shield that takes scales in damage taken based on incoming attack.
AIR MERCSOverview:
- DMG vs heroic fixed on air and made to not be random. Attribute bonus & factor were changed to give more reasonable scaling vs heroic.
Generally it's VR>Wraith>Scout>Muta for dps vs heroic. While VR DPS vs heroic scales at a slower rate than than Wraith or Scout, but has highest initial DPS vs heroic with 4 armor and is least affected by armor stacking.
[DPS attack up / enemy heroic armor ratio is how effective the scaling of a units attack is against a unit (in this case it's vs heroic) stacking armor. A number higher than 1 means armor isn't that effective vs the attack scaling, where as a number below 1 means armor is effective vs the attack scaling.]
- HP scaling on air differentiated.
Mutalisk:- HP per up to 22 [From 25]
- Attribute factor vs heroic to 0 [from -0.3 (remember first glave is only 40% of the total dps)]
- Attribute bonus vs heroic to -4
- DPS attack up / enemy heroic armor ratio vs heroic: 1 [from 0.7]
Scout:- HP per up to 24 [From 25]
- Attribute factor vs heroic to 0 [from -0.2]
- Attribute bonus vs heroic to -4
- DPS attack up / enemy heroic armor ratio vs heroic: 0.875 [from 0.7]
Wraith:- HP per up to 26 [From 22]
- Attribute bonus vs heroic to -3
- DPS attack up / enemy heroic armor ratio vs heroic: 0.98
Voidray:- HP per up to 28 [From 25]
- DPS attack up / enemy heroic armor ratio vs heroic: 1.295
Goliath:- AA Damage per CC Upgrade decreased to 1 (from 1.15)
HEROSInfestor:- Decreased base energy regen from 3.75 to 3.5
- Decreased Base burrow move speed to 4.0 (from 4.5)
- Decrease +energy regen per lvl to +0.2 (from +0.32)
- Added a a channeling period of .1 sec to infestor fungal
Phoenix:- Now immune to Lash
and Overseer stun- Base G-Beam range increased to 5.5 (from 5)
- G-Beam +range per lvl decreased to +0.5 (from +0.55)
- G-Beam duration reduced to 1.8 sec at lvl 0 (scales to 3.9 at max)
- SLOW behavior duration is now tied to the spell (when all units die, SLOW stops)
Cooldown now ends xx time after spell complete (expires or last unit dies)
- Dynamic CD at lvl 0 is 1 second
- Scales to 1.35 seconds at max
Honeybadger:- Decreased +armor per hero level to +1 (from +1.5)
- Decreased base damage to 45 (from 50)
- Decreased damage per CC upgrade to +4 (from +7)
Commando:- Removed all buffs from Commando cloak
- EMP now uses 20 energy (all else unchanged)
Tassadar:- Base health to 600hp, 100sh (from 500hp, 200sh)
- Per hero level +100hp, +25sh (from +25hp, +75sh)
- Per hero health +40hp, +20sh (from +30/30)
- Storm damage leech scaling reduced slightly for higher levels
OLD MAX 675hp 725sh for 1400 total, NEW MAX 1300hp 275sh for 1575 total
HTArchon:- Storm damage leech reduced (same as Tass)
ELITESTank:- CD on initial purchase removed
- Limit properly set to 1
BUG FIXES- Fixed a bug where the +30% attack speed epic was giving +43% (now giving +33%)
- Fixed SCOUT missing its flying tag (prepare for OP)