SeexySauce wrote:
Gardul how is that in any way helpful to anyone? If you are going to comment at least make it worth something?
Ok panties wadded, sorry...
The problem with Tass FB is the range. Max Tass FB counters all energy units, and it probably should be noted that max Tass is probably more viable against Spec than Archon because of the "summoned" tag (it can tank a lash, Archon cannot).
Additionally, the unit that is supposed to counter it hard (Mando/Spec) doesn't because both grenade and emp aren't instantaneous, and Tass out-ranges them. So, even if you hit the tass with the EMP, the Tass probably was able to FB you anyways from range - BEFORE the EMP/conc landed. It's why Tass is really strong.
Lastly, the player using the Tass only has to max it out, not ultimate, saving $1k in spend for their army. Mid-game, that $1k makes a very strong army with a strong tass.. = OP.
So, how to counter? First, this is not talking about Archon, just Tass. Tass is a primary crowd-control unit and secondary energy-unit harass. It should be exposed for the second function without sacrificing the first. This means a nerf to the range of the FB. Make tass have to engage closer to the other armies and you'll see a significant change to how people use it.
Nothing spectacular, and in fact, I'd leave the opening range as-is so that a low HP level 0 Tass doesn't get wrecked by an army's full-focus early. However, the range pluses with Tass upgrades could probably use some slight nerfing, resulting in a non-equal range for FB as other counters. I'd say max Tass should have 1 less range than max Mando, Spec, Queen, or HT.
If you TRULY need the range to stop OS, Spec, another Tass, HT, Queen, Festor, or something else, then spend the $1k to go ultimate and get that HT out there with the FB range you need.
So.... that's how I would "fix" tass.