We are currently doing a lot of scrims(premades), and we all agree on what a next update really needs.
Lancer, Nerf the 300 training upgrade health and shield given. They are currently way too tanky and trade amazing even vs counters early game.
Sieg tank could use a small damage nerf
Ghost, Nerf snipe damage scailing by a lot or starting snipe damage, they kill most hero's and elites and that's not even the role they are meant to have. The farming for them is fine, but the snipe damage puts them to OP and needs to be nerfed.
Battle cruiser, remove the self heal. This makes it so you can't just cancel yamato, and so you the BC isn't used as a Honey badger, which its not supposed to be.
HT feedback range at max level needs to be decreased, it currently is the same as HTA and that makes no sense.
HTA also needs a small feedback range decrease but less then the HTA so it can still out range HT.
Reaver, still could use a health or armor nerf.
Hk, need more attack range in the midd levels, and when they are maxed.
Most importantly!! Remove recall from support tower! Not sure why its even on the tower.
Odin, remove nuke and add in stimpack which increases move and attack speed for a duration. The research upgrades for odin need to do more for its damage, right now it gets nothing when its leveled. Also could use a micro intensive ability that is good vs air, maybe a seeker missle that when it hits slows the units in a AOE?
Phoenix Eye needs to use less energy, and drain slower. Right now at max level you can never really use the eye and lift units.
Last edited by SeexySauce on February 16th, 2022, 8:15 pm, edited 5 times in total.