I would like to extend my thanks to all those of you who put in the time to Stream or Post Videos of Marine Arena gameplay. I enjoy watching when I can and the exposure is beneficial to the community as a whole.
This forum has some great built in tools to help you obtain viewers.
Youtube or Vimeo ChannelsAll users can fill in their YouTube/Vimeo channel usernames in their
profile here on the forum when they register or via the Settings tab in the title bar. Once entered, the channel will be listed on the Videos page which is available from the title bar.
(If you are having trouble setting up your account,
PM Josin)
Twitch Streams:All users can fill in their twitch username in their
profile here on the forum when they register or via the Settings tab in the title bar. Once a user has filled in their info, they need to
request to be added to the list of MA streamers.
If Approved, your stream will show up on the Videos page.
Whenever streaming MA live, the videos page will show you are streaming as well as display the Title and number of viewers. In addition, all of your posts in the forum will display the Live Stream indicator and link.
(If you are having trouble setting up your account,
PM Josin)
Josin wrote:
Thank You, for being Kind, Respectful, and Appreciative of the Devs.
We have put a lot into this game and greatly appreciate your support.