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PostPosted: April 8th, 2014, 2:33 pm 
[FVCKIN] Immortals.448
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Hero stats and upgrades

This is a list of Hero's you can find in-game. This list can be used for detailed information to a serious MA player, or someone new to the game finding answers to common questions about a certain hero.

This list will contain leveling information as well as upgrades from CC ( if applies) then Morphing stats to those that become Ultras.

This will be updated as Changelogs come around, if I miss anything please let me know and Ill change it as soon as I can. Hope you find this list useful!

* Abilties/Special Moves & Weapons

** Level stats

M/M = Marine/Merc upgrades


Phoenix- cost 1000
Bounty- 400mins +50 per lvl
Revive cost- 400 mins

Hp- 800 (800 shield)= 1600
Energy- 50
Damage- 20
Hero- 40
Attacks- 2
Range- 7
Targets- Air
Weapon speed- 0.25
Armor- 2
Sheilds Armor- 1
Move speed- 7

* Phoenix Eye- (cost 10 energy) drains 1 point per sec there after
- Ability to have a continuous radar detection in a small circumference around the nix
- This ability will show burrowed or cloaked units around the nix, you will still need to scan to attack or visibly see

* Harden Shields
- reduces incoming damage to a max of 30 while shields are on

* Gravitational Beam- Lifts ground units into air disabling them for duration
- last 3-4 seconds in air
- CD is 1-2 seconds after duration
- The targeted area of lifting becomes larger with levels
- Doesn't effect Spectre

* Takes in 50% less damage from Air mercs

** Levels- Cost 300 ( +100 each level )
Hp +50
Sheilds +75
Energy +10
Move speed +0.4
Damage +1
Hero +2
Range + 0.25
Weapon speed -0.01
G-beam +AOE per lvl +0.09
weapon splash per lvl +0.05

Commando cost 475
Bounty- 125 +50 per lvl
Revive cost- 250mins

Hp- 800
Energy- 180
Damage- 40
Structure -20
Hero- 72
Range - 7.5
Targets- Air and Ground
Weapon speed- 0.4
Armor- 2
Move speed- 5.2

* Hold Fire- The unit can hold fire when this action is executed

* Snipe - (cost 60 energy) a single shot dealing extra damage with splash from distance
- about +1 range
- CD of 2 seconds
- 240 Damage with 1st layer of surrounding units a splash damage of 67
- extra 210 (450) damage dealt to hero ( +20 when each hero weapon upgrade)

* Emp- (cost 30 energy) Electromagnetic pulse
- 2 EMPs (CD 2 seconds inbetween) CD 30 seconds afterward
- Drains 75 energy
- Damage +30
- Cloaked units will appear for a short time when targeted

* Cloak- (cost 25 energy) turns unit invisible
- if its receives EMP from enemy unit, it will be revealed
- Can be detected by scans or obs unit
- can be detected by phoenix eye ability

* Receives 60% less damage from Air mercs

** Levels cost 300 (+100 each level)
Hp +100
Energy +10
Damage +15
Structure +7.5
Hero +27
Range +0.1667
Weapon speed -0.01
Move speed +0.12

** Snipe (Additional from Base)
- Damage + 50 ( 1st layer splash is +35 Damage)
- Cost -4 (energy)
- CD -2

** EMP (Additional from Base)
- Cost -10 (Energy) only 1 level for less cost
- CD -3 (From 30 sec CD)
- Drains +20 Energy
- Damage +25
- Drains +20 Sheilds
** Can morph into Spectre after 6 levels (cost 1000)

Odin Cost 1150
Bounty- 450 +50 per lvl
Revive cost- 350 mins

Hp- 3100
Armor- 4
Move speed- 6

Damage- 100 (splash 1st layer damage of 25)
Structure- 25
Hero- 50
Attacks- 2
Range- 7
Targets- Ground
Weapon speed- 0.42

Hellfire Missles
Damage- 35
Attacks- 4
Range- 10
Targets- Air
Weapon speed- 0.83

* Nuclear strike- (cost 500)
- CD 75 seconds
- Takes 30 seconds for Nuke to land once targeted
- Damage is a circumference of 650
- Circumference of targeted area is large (>100 marines)
* Receives 50% less damage from Air mercs

** Levels cost 225 (+125 each level)
Hp +175
Armor +0.25

Damage +15
Attack speed - 0.01
Range +0.18

Hellfire Missles
Damage +5
Attack speed -0.03

*Nuclear strike
- cost -25 (Deducts once for first level)
- Damage + 50 for circumference

Infestor cost 500
Bounty- 125 +50 per lvl
Revive cost- 250 mins

Hp- 600
Energy- 250
Armor- 1
Move speed- 5

* Burrow
- Can move when burrowed
- Can be detected by scan, obs, phoenix eye

* Fungal growth- (cost 75 energy) slows the targets move and attack speed
- slows attack and move speed by 50%
- Damage of 56 over 5.6 seconds
- Fungal no longer disables burrow/unburrow abilities for targets

* Leech- (cost 5 energy) takes energy from target and supplies infestor
- CD 3 seconds
- Drains 50 energy and receives 50 energy

* Receives 60% less damage from Air mercs

** Levels cost 300 (+100 each level)
Hp +100
Energy +11

* Fungal Growth (each level)
- Damage is around +18
- Duration +0.8

* Leech
- Drain +20 each level

* Ability to Morph into Queen after 7 levels (cost 1000)

Hunder Killer (3) cost 475
Bounty- 55 each +20 per lvl
Revive cost- 100 mins each ( if all 3 is lost, revive is -3 mins per lvl )

Hp- 750
Damage- 25
Structure- 18
Flying- 21
Range- 6
Targets- Air and Ground
Weapon speed- 0.35
Armor- 2
Move speed- 4.3

* Burrow
- Ability to move when burrowed
- Burrow move speed- 3
- Burrow sight- 4
- Can be detected by scan, obs, phoenix eye

* Receives 60% damage reduction from Air mercs

* 100% splash damage

** Levels cost 300 (+100 each level)
Hp +100
Damage +2
Structure +2.4
Flying +2.8
Range +0.25
Weapon speed -0.02
Armor +0.5
Move speed +0.3

Honey Badger cost 1100
Bounty- 450 +50 per lvl
Revive cost- 350 -10 mins per lvl

Hp- 3000
Armor- 3.5
Move speed- 6

Ferocious spew
Damage- 48
Range- 6
Attacks- Air
Weapon speed- 0.31

Damage- 45
Attacks- 2
Range- 1
Targets- Ground
Weapon speed- 0.42

* Guardian Shield
- CD 25 seconds
- Duration 15 seconds
- Reduces incoming damage by [50%] -2
- Also protects neutral/friendly units within the shield

* Stampede
- Duration of 5 seconds
- CD 25 seconds
- Acceleration/Move speed of 250%

* Receives 40% less damage from Air mercs

** Levels cost 225 (+125 each level)
HP +850
Armor +1
Weapon speed -0.01 (Brutalize)
Move speed + 0.3

* Guardian Sheild
- CD -1 second per level

Tassadar cost 500
Bounty- 125 +50 per lvl
Revive cost- 250 -10 per lvl

Hp- 600 (shields 100)= 700
Energy- 175
Armor- 1
Armor shield- 1
Move speed- 4.5

* Force Field- Cost 30 energy
- Creates small barrier from ground units to move through
- Exception is reavers
- Lasts for 15 seconds

* Feedback- cost 25 energy
- Drains 30 energy from target (+1 Damage for each energy point)
- Damage +75
- Damage 50% more to heroic units

* Psionic Storm- cost 75 energy
- Damage is 50 over 2 seconds
- Storm covers a small area (about 20 marines)

* Damage reduction of 60% by Air mercs

** Levels cost 300 (+100 each level)
Hp +100
shields +25
Energy +7
Move speed +0.15

* Psionic Storm
- Damage +25

* Feedback
- Drains +20 energy
- Damage +50

* Ability to morph into Archon after 7 levels (cost 1000)

Zeratul (DT) cost 450
Bounty- 125+ 55 per lvl
Revive- 250 -10 per lvl

Hp- 350 (shields 1250)= 1600
Damage- 100 (splash 80 dmg)
Targets- Ground
Range- Melee (120 degree arc, 0.8 Cleave radius)
Weapon speed- 0.62
Armor- 2
Shield Armor- 2
Move speed- 7.4

* Cloak
- Permanently cloaked
- Invisible to enemies
- Can be detected by obs, scans and phoenix eye

* Void prism
- Stuns the targeted area
- Targets Air and Ground
- Duration is 1.25 seconds
- Reveals cloaked units during duration if in targeted area
- Can target more than one unit (5-6 units)
- CD 8 seconds

* Blink
- CD 12 seconds
- Teleports to near by area

* Push ability- able to walk through/between friendly units

* Takes a 60% damage reduction from Air mercs

** Levels cost 300 (+100 each level)
Hp +50
Shields +125
Move speed +0.3
Shield Armor +0.5
Weapon speed -0.01
Reduced Blink CD reduction per hero lvl
Cleave Radius +0.1

* Blink
- CD -2 seconds

* Void Prism
- Duration +0.25
- Range +0.25

* Can morph into Dark Archon after 7 levels (cost 1000)

Colossus cost 1150
Bounty- 450 +50 per lvl
Revive cost- 350 -10 per lvl

Hp- 1300 (shields 1300)= 2600
Energy- 25
Damage- 50
Structure- 25
Attacks- 2
Range- 7
Weapon speed- 0.6
Targets- Ground
Armor- 2
Shield Armor- 3
Move speed- 5.4

* Ragnarok Beam cost 25 energy
- Targets a single unit
- Delay of a few seconds between targeting and firing
- Continuous fire until out of range or dead
- Damage almost 100 per sec and dmg per lvl to +0.5 per tick

* Takes in 50% less damage from Air mercs

** Levels cost 225 (+125 each level)
Hp +50
Shields +100
Damage +5
Structure +2.5
Range +0.25
Weapon speed -0.02
Move speed- +0.24

Ultra Heros

- Cost 1000
- Bounty- 1000 mins
- Revive cost 500 mins
- Can Morph from Commando after 6 levels

Hp- 4000 + 100 hero upgrade (M/M +50)
Energy- 350
Damage- 180 +15 hero/+15 Merc/+7.5 Marine
Structure- 90 +7.5 hero/+7.5 Merc/+3.75 Marine
Hero- 315 +26.25 hero/+26.25 Merc/+13.125 Marine
Range- 8.5
Weapon speed- 0.33
Targets- Air and Ground
Armor- 4 +1 hero (M/M +0.5)
Move speed- 6.6

* Reduction of 40% is taken from Air mercs

* Cloak- cost 1 energy point
- Energy point per second while cloaked is 0.1
- Invisible to enemy units
- Can be detected by obs, scans, and phoenix eye

* Nuclear strike- cost 100 energy
- Damage of 250 +20 per hero upgrade (does not apply to M/M upgrades)
- Effects a large radius (around 50+ units)
- Takes 5 seconds to land once targeted

* Ultrasonic Pulse- cost 35 energy
- stuns a small area of targeted units
- Effects around 6-8 units

* Psionic Lash- Cost 75 energy
- CD is 3 seconds
- Cast time is 3 seconds
- Damage is 1500 +50 per hero upgrade (does not apply M/M upgrades)
- Damage to hero is x3.5 (5250)
- Does not effect Phoenix

* Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP)- Cost 20 Energy
- CD is 12 seconds
- Damage is 180
- Drains 225 energy from units targeted (6-8 units)
- Reveals cloaked units for short time if hit in targeted area

* Hold fire
- Action is neutral when executed (unit will not fire)

- Cost 1000
- Bounty- 1000 mins
- Revive cost 500 mins
- Can Morph from Infestor after 7 levels

Hp- 4300 +100 hero upgrade (M/M +50)
Energy- 225
Armor- 4 +1 hero (M/M +0.5)
Move speed- 4.5

Acid spines (Ground)
Damage- 30 +5 hero (M/M +2.5)
Attacks- 2
Range- 5
Targets- Ground
Weapon speed- 0.21

Acid spines (Air)
Damage- 56 +10 hero (M/M +5)
Range- 7
Weapon speed- 0.25
Targets- Air

* Burrow
- Able to move while burrowed
- Can be detected by obs, scans and Phoenix eye

* Creep
- Continuous flow around queen when activated
- slim that generates accelerated move speed to all units

* Leech- cost 5 energy
- Drains 200 energy from enemy unit
- Gives queen 200 energy

* Transfusion- Cost 50 energy
- can restore up to 200 shields
- can restore up to 500 HP

* Fungal Growth- Cost 75 energy
- Duration 3 seconds
- Damage 225 +15 per hero upgrade (does not apply to M/M upgrades)
- Stuns the group of units targeted while in duration
- Effects around 20 units per fungal

* Takes in 40% reduction in damage from Air mercs

Dark Archon
- Cost 1000
- Bounty 1000 mins
- Revive cost 500 mins
- Ability to morph from Zeratul (DT) after 7 levels

Hp- 3000 +150 hero upgrade (M/M +75)
Shields- 5000 +200 hero (M/M +100)
Damage- 150 +20 hero (M/M +10)
Range- 4
Weapon speed- 0.42
Targets- Air and Ground
Armor- 4 +1 hero (M/M +0.5)
Shield Amor- 6 +1.5 hero (M/M +0.75)
Move speed- 6.72

* Psionic Focus
- Ability to attack multiple targets at once
- Targets up to 10 other units for 25% Damage

* Takes in 40% Damage reduction from Air mercs

* Blink
- CD 5 seconds
- Teleports to nearby areas

* Void prism
- Stuns the targeted area for 1-2 seconds
- Can reveal cloaked units if in targeted area
- Targets can effect up to around 20 units

HT Archon
- Cost 1000
- Bounty 1000 mins
- Revive cost 500 mins
- Ability to morph from Tassadar after 7 levels

Hp- 2000 +100 hero upgrade (M/M +50)
Shields- 2000 +80 (M/M +40)
Energy- 300
Armor- 4 +1 hero (M/M +0.5)
Shield Armor- 3 +1 hero (M/M +0.5)
Move speed- 6.7

* Takes in 40% less damage from Air mercs

* Force field- Cost 40 energy
- Large Barrier from melee and ground units
- Duration is 15 seconds

* Mind control- Cost 200 energy
- Controls enemy units in targeted area
- The controlled units opposes anyone that is enemy of your own
- You can not physically control them
- Duration is 15 seconds

* Feedback- Cost 25 energy
- Drains 331 energy from target (+1 damage per point of energy)
- Damage of 425
- Heros deal 50% more damage

* Psionic storm- cost 75 energy
- 50 Dmg +8.75 per hero upgrade over 2 sec (M/M upgrade does not apply)

Last edited by Montezuma on March 20th, 2015, 5:21 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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PostPosted: April 8th, 2014, 2:34 pm 
[FVCKIN] Immortals.448
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I will update with revive cost per level on each, CC upgrades, morph times, etc. later

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PostPosted: April 8th, 2014, 2:37 pm 
[TryHrd] TheWildTroll.949
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PostPosted: April 8th, 2014, 3:51 pm 
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[TryHrd] Mythic.410
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Are you sure that T1.5 heroes don't start at 225 and then go to 975, rather than starting at 350?

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PostPosted: April 8th, 2014, 4:11 pm 
[FVCKIN] Immortals.448
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Good catch, missed the odin

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PostPosted: April 15th, 2014, 6:37 am 
[FVCKIN] Immortals.448
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Updated per 4/14 changelog

Hunter Killer:
- Splash damage increased to 100% (from 50%)
- Base damage decreased to 15 (from 30)
- Damage per level decreased to +2 (from +4)
- Damage per CC decreased to +3 (from +6)
(Damage vs crowd control is unchanged, but damage vs single target is 1/2 previous)

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PostPosted: May 9th, 2014, 4:59 pm 
[FVCKIN] Immortals.448
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Updated per 5/2 Changelog


- Decreased base VP duration to 1.25 sec (from 2 sec)
- Added +.25 sec per level (3 sec at lvl 7)
- Decreased VP +range per level to +.25 (from +.5)

- Increased base weapon range to 7.5 (from 7)
- Decreased weapon +range per level to +.1667 (from +.25)

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PostPosted: May 29th, 2014, 1:05 pm 
[FVCKIN] Immortals.448
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Updated per 5/24 Changelog

- Decreased unit energy regen to 3.25 (from 3.5)
- Decreased +move speed per level to +.15 (from +.16)

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PostPosted: July 11th, 2014, 6:53 pm 
[FVCKIN] Immortals.448
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Updated per 5/24 Changelog

- Decreased +HP per lvl to +100 (from +135)
- Decreased +EMP energy drain per lvl to +20 (from +25)
- Decreased +EMP shield drain per lvl to +20 (from +25)

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PostPosted: August 19th, 2014, 6:50 am 
[FVCKIN] Immortals.448
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Updated per 5/24 Changelog

Hunter Killer
- Increased base AOE damage to 20 (from 18)

- Decreased Rag Beam +dmg per lvl to +0.5 per tick (from +1.0)

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PostPosted: November 17th, 2014, 8:41 am 
[FVCKIN] Immortals.448
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Updated per 10/31 Changelog

- Added push
- Reduced Blink CD reduction per hero lvl slightly

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PostPosted: November 17th, 2014, 11:34 am 
[FVCKIN] Immortals.448
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     Immortals wrote:
I will update with revive cost per level on each, CC upgrades, morph times, etc. later

so 7 months later...

I did most of what I wanted to do but still not complete.

I added the following:

- Bounty reward for all hero including lvls

- Revive cost for all hero including lvls

- Note for lash on Phoenix

- Note for Gravity beam on Spectre

- Hp upgrades for all ultras (H/M/M)

- Armor upgrades for all ultras (H/M/M)

- Damage upgrades for all ultras (H/M/M)

- Damage upgrades for abilities/spells on ultras (ex. lash, storm, etc)

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PostPosted: January 11th, 2015, 5:42 pm 
[FVCKIN] Immortals.448
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Updated per 1/11 Changelog

- Reduced weapon cleave arc to 120 deg (from 180 deg)
- Decreased base cleave radius to 0.8 (from 1.0)
- Increased cleave +radius per lvl to +0.1 (from +.075)
- Decreased base damage to 100 (from 150)
- Increased splash fraction to 80% (from 50%)
NET base dmg: single=100 (from 150) , splash=80 (from 75)

- Decreased G-beam +AOE per lvl to +0.09 (from +0.1)
- Decreased +weapon splash per lvl to +0.05 (from +0.1)

Hunter Killers
- Increased base damage to 25 (from 20)
- Increased + HP per lvl to +100 (from +75)

- Increased base attack period to 0.4 (from 0.35)

- Infestor Fungal no longer disables burrow/unburrow abilities for targets

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PostPosted: January 31st, 2015, 9:10 pm 
[FVCKIN] Immortals.448
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Updated per 1/11 Changelog

- Decreased base move speed to 5.2 (from 5.4)
- Decreased base snipe damage to 240 (from 250)
- Increased base snipe dmg bonus vs hero to +210 (from +200)

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PostPosted: March 19th, 2015, 7:48 am 
[FVCKIN] Immortals.448
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Updated per 3/17 Changelog

Hunter Killer
- Reduced burrowed sight to 4 (from 5)
- Reduced base burrowed move speed to 3 (from 4)

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PostPosted: March 20th, 2015, 12:59 am 
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Some Commando info are wrong, I've summarized Snipe below:

Snipe base damage = 240
Snipe bonus to hero = 210 (total damage 240+210 = 450)

Snipe base damage per level +40
Snipe bonus to hero per level +30

Snipe base damage per CC upgrade +25
Snipe bonus to hero per CC upgrade +15


For example, a level 4 commando with 2 CC upgrade:

Snipe base damage = 240 + 4*40 + 2*25 = 450
Snipe bonus to hero = 210 + 4*30 + 2*15 = 360 (total damage 450+360 = 810)

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PostPosted: March 20th, 2015, 6:23 am 
[FVCKIN] Immortals.448
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thank you sir

base and bonus is correct

ill change the lvl base and hero damage

have not added cc upgrades to heroes yet, but will eventually!

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