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 Post subject: Re: Update log
PostPosted: January 10th, 2017, 1:55 pm 
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[EZmode] Rageypoo.232
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     Sonoma wrote:
     Rageypoo wrote:
Summary: It's really your job to hunt down Mythic/Relic to work on the development of MA.

was a saying you created Ragey, no one else. So don't say, Sonoma said.

That is what you're saying, you're telling gardul that all he has to do is just go find mythic and suddenly the months of non-development will magically disappear, but hey "it's all up to you to do it!"

We used to do just that, we would play and report bugs all the time, but any improvements/bug fixes etc is ultimately up to the devs to do, shouldn't they be doing that regardless of us? We had an active community that did voice our concerns, but at some point it went ignored, development stopped, and now this is what we got. So don't try to tell me or anyone else it's our responsibility to voice a concern to a dev and suddenly it's gonna be fixed, it's dishonest, and passing the buck where it doesn't belong.

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 Post subject: Re: Update log
PostPosted: January 10th, 2017, 2:35 pm 
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[CxxS] Sonoma
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     Rageypoo wrote:
That is what you're saying, you're telling gardul that all he has to do is just go find mythic and suddenly the months of non-development will magically disappear, but hey "it's all up to you to do it!"

No that's you putting words in my mouth. I simply suggested to gardul to maybe direct some of the issues towards mythic since he "appeared" to still be active.

     Rageypoo wrote:
So don't try to tell me or anyone else it's our responsibility to voice a concern to a dev and suddenly it's gonna be fixed, it's dishonest, and passing the buck where it doesn't belong.

#1 it is your responsibility to voice your concerns (I'm not willing to hold your hand and do it for you)
#2 no one ever stated in any thread ever during the entire life of MA of 7 years that you voicing your concern would somehow magically cause things to be fixed.
#3 I feel what I feel, just as you feel what you feel and they are not of the same. as I have stated I have dealt with many open source/freelance/hobby style projects and the majority of them has always come to a stand still at one point or another, many has many times but I completely side with the people who do the work for choosing their real lives to take priority over a freelance project any day of the week cause their life is way more important than you getting an update to a video game (again that's what I feel).

I also feel like we been repeating ourselves over and over to you and you seem to like refuse to read anything said so I guess maybe you just cannot be helped with this matter? But please stop bringing me into your drama, kthxbye

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 Post subject: Re: Update log
PostPosted: January 10th, 2017, 2:39 pm 
[ClIQ] HaydenEliza

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truth. please unban gardul.

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 Post subject: Re: Update log
PostPosted: January 10th, 2017, 2:50 pm 
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[CxxS] Sonoma
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     HaydenEliza wrote:
truth. please unban gardul.

I don't see anyone banned on these forums. I just looked.

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 Post subject: Re: Update log
PostPosted: January 10th, 2017, 3:08 pm 
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[EZmode] Rageypoo.232
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     Sonoma wrote:
     Rageypoo wrote:
So don't try to tell me or anyone else it's our responsibility to voice a concern to a dev and suddenly it's gonna be fixed, it's dishonest, and passing the buck where it doesn't belong.

#1 it is your responsibility to voice your concerns (I'm not willing to hold your hand and do it for you)
#2 no one ever stated in any thread ever during the entire life of MA of 7 years that you voicing your concern would somehow magically cause things to be fixed.
#3 I feel what I feel, just as you feel what you feel and they are not of the same. as I have stated I have dealt with many open source/freelance/hobby style projects and the majority of them has always come to a stand still at one point or another, many has many times but I completely side with the people who do the work for choosing their real lives to take priority over a freelance project any day of the week cause their life is way more important than you getting an update to a video game (again that's what I feel).

#1 Nobody asked you to hold their hand dummy, specially me.
#2 Then what's the point of telling people they should voice any concern to anyone? You're literally telling people to voice concern, then saying "oh yea also we never said we would kthxbye"
#3 I don't care if they chose real life over the forums, but the way they did it resulted in this, that's what everyone has been trying to say this whole time!

We've been going in circles because you wont listen, and sry/not sry Sonoma, you're the one bringing drama to this forum, I'm just here to finish it, don't start things and then qq about it later when you get called out on it.

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 Post subject: Re: Update log
PostPosted: January 10th, 2017, 3:10 pm 
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[CxxS] Sonoma
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The way they did it?

Are YOU willing to learn the editor and step up and become a DEV?

if the answer to that 1 question is YES then hurry the hell up cause they have stated they are OPEN TO IT!

if the answer to that question is NO, then seriously dude if your not trying to start drama then wtf else are you doing?

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 Post subject: Re: Update log
PostPosted: January 10th, 2017, 3:16 pm 
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     Sonoma wrote:
     HaydenEliza wrote:
truth. please unban gardul.

I don't see anyone banned on these forums. I just looked.


jokes sir :C

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 Post subject: Re: Update log
PostPosted: January 10th, 2017, 3:18 pm 
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[CxxS] Sonoma
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You would think he might still be banned since every post he has made since being released has been removed by a mod lol

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 Post subject: Re: Update log
PostPosted: January 10th, 2017, 3:35 pm 
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[EZmode] Rageypoo.232
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     Sonoma wrote:
The way they did it?

Are YOU willing to learn the editor and step up and become a DEV?

if the answer to that 1 question is YES then hurry the hell up cause they have stated they are OPEN TO IT!

if the answer to that question is NO, then seriously dude if your not trying to start drama then wtf else are you doing?

No I'm not, I never asked to be, so why are you trying to pass the buck on me or anyone else other than who should do it...THE DEVS!

I'll say it one more time Sonoma, I didn't start this thread derail, YOU DID DUMMY!

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 Post subject: Re: Update log
PostPosted: January 10th, 2017, 3:51 pm 
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[CxxS] Sonoma
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     Rageypoo wrote:
No I'm not, I never asked to be, so why are you trying to pass the buck on me or anyone else other than who should do it...THE DEVS!

So your sole purpose of being here repeating yourself over and over while refusing to read what literally anyone tells you(including a Dev) and refusing to step up yourself is to troll.. i think we established that already. lol Glad to confirm it.

I think this thread merits a lock now.

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 Post subject: Re: Update log
PostPosted: January 10th, 2017, 4:27 pm 
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[EZmode] Rageypoo.232
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     Sonoma wrote:
     Rageypoo wrote:
No I'm not, I never asked to be, so why are you trying to pass the buck on me or anyone else other than who should do it...THE DEVS!

So your sole purpose of being here repeating yourself over and over while refusing to read what literally anyone tells you(including a Dev) and refusing to step up yourself is to troll.. i think we established that already. lol Glad to confirm it.

I think this thread merits a lock now.

Sonoma, I'm not failing to read anything, I read it just fine, and your issue is that you don't want to put blame on the devs for what happened to the game...when it IS THEIR FAULT FOR THE GAME DYING plain and simple. They stopped working on it when they changed things and didn't continue working on the balance, the people eventually gave up and here we are, how is this SO hard for you to admit!? The Devs don't even argue this fact, they moved on, it's over!

As for me being here, it's because YOU sonoma, YOU posted the link to the EU boards about a discussion that didn't belong here, and I'm responding to your bullshit you keep posting, and in doing so you just want to call me a troll? That's now how this works bud.

I believe I already called for a thread cleanup a while back remember? Now who's the one refusing to read.

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 Post subject: Re: Update log
PostPosted: January 10th, 2017, 4:37 pm 
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[CxxS] Sonoma
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This is what you come off as to me when I read you repeating yourself over and over and over...
     Rageypoo wrote:
Eury has influenced me into believing that US Dev's are evil conniving people at which I feel I have every right to go onto the US board and complain and pass my irrefutable judgement and any who does not agree with my point of view shall have to listen to me repeat myself over and over again. I shall NOT do anything to try and improve or fix the situation ALL I wish is to do is complain and bitch. No one shall escape my wraith! I will use the excuse of Sonoma telling the US people that Eury has called them money scam artist as my reasoning and justification for continuing to bitch and complain and pass my irrefutable judgement!


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 Post subject: Re: Update log
PostPosted: January 10th, 2017, 4:47 pm 
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[EZmode] Rageypoo.232
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     Sonoma wrote:
This is what you come off as to me when I read you repeating yourself over and over and over...
     Rageypoo wrote:
Eury has influenced me into believing that US Dev's are evil conniving people at which I feel I have every right to go onto the US board and complain and pass my irrefutable judgement and any who does not agree with my point of view shall have to listen to me repeat myself over and over again. I shall NOT do anything to try and improve or fix the situation ALL I wish is to do is complain and bitch. No one shall escape my wraith! I will use the excuse of Sonoma telling the US people that Eury has called them money scam artist as my reasoning and justification for continuing to bitch and complain and pass my irrefutable judgement!


Dude, I've never said they were evil, when have I said this? I'm simply stating that they stopped developing and here we are, please learn to read. If you want to make posts complaining about people by all means do it, but that's not what you did, you went to another board and tried to bring it here, and now we're responding, so yes, I'm going to repeat myself once again, because you're still not getting it, here we go.

The devs DID let the game die, because they chose to move forward to their irl stufff, did it suck that it happened? Yes it did, are some people still salty about it? Probably, specially when people like you, or truth, keep defending their action and trying to pass the buck to other people as if it was an option this whole time, and I know for a fact it hasn't, they barely let Mythic in the team at the time, I highly doubt anyone else had the option to join the dev team, so stop telling people it's their fault for not "manning up". Are you understanding now? Can you absorb this? I'd really like to stop repeating it over and over again cause you can't quite seem to grasp it. NONE of this is me claiming they are evil, or bitching and moaning about them to make changes to the map, I'm just stating how it is, holy shit.

EURY is the one who mentioned the scamming stuff, and I said it before...I DON'T AGREE WITH IT.

Seriously Sonoma, you're bad at this. If you can't get it by now, just move on. I said before you're obviously salty from starting shit with Eury on the EU boards, and now you're just looking for someone else to start even more shit with, and you're not going to win.

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 Post subject: Re: Update log
PostPosted: January 10th, 2017, 4:54 pm 
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[CxxS] Sonoma
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See it's like he can't understand what he claims he has read.

Ragey I posted what your posts come off to me as, and this last one is no different.

There is NOTHING else to contribute on this matter.

For the next post you make:
Oh i got that you came here to defend eury calling the US dev's money scam artist while venting your own thoughts at the same time. I think everyone got that.

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 Post subject: Re: Update log
PostPosted: January 10th, 2017, 5:05 pm 
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[EZmode] Rageypoo.232
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     Sonoma wrote:
See it's like he can't understand what he claims he has read.

Ragey I posted what your posts come off to me as, and this last one is no different.

There is NOTHING else to contribute on this matter.

Naww, REALLY!? Cause I'm not here to contribute, I'm here because I'm defending the shit show you brought from the EU forums, I'm not trying to start anything.

Glad you finally get it.

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